What is the load carrying capacity of Honda Activa?

rajat chauhan on 02 January 2023 06:21
What is the maximum limit of weight that Activa can carry?
mohammad nausha qure on 29 May 2015 00:00
Honda Activa can carry a weight of 150 kg easily, which in turn is calculated by considering an ideal rider of 70 kg and the same weighted pillion. 10 kg can be added up as the under seat storage has the capacity to easily store 10 kg. Activa can even pull two riders weighing 100 kg each but that would be quiet a lot for its 109 cc engine, producing 8 BHP. The acceleration simply goes down with the increase in weight due to lesser pulling power of the automatic scooters in India.

Honda Activa 3G - The King of Scooters


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