When the bike Honda CB150R Streetfire will launch? In which month?

ruby durge on 02 January 2023 06:36
When the bike Honda CB150 R streetfire will launch? In which month?<img src="https://www.answers.maxabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/2016-honda-cb150r-streetfire-f3q.jpg" alt="" />
ayyub ARSHAD on 01 March 2016 00:00
Honda currently has no plans for the launch of CB150R in India. Honda will focus on mass market products around 100-125 cc this year. They have also confirmed that the new 2016 CBR150R would not be brought into India this year. Honda Activa generates nearly 2 lakh unit sale every month whereas the sales number for CB Shine and Dream series is again good. Honda will increase the production of commuter products as it's scooter only factory has started the work, taking its total production to around 6 million units annually.


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