What is the mileage for the Honda CB Hornet 160R?
What is the difference between this and other Honda bikes?
Honda CB Hornet has been displayed at the Honda Revfest and the bike comes with few differentiations from other Honda products in the segment. The bike comes with a sport oriented design whereas all the Honda bikes of the segment are commuter based with lesser detail on the design factor. Hornet gets a sport oriented small exhaust, which normally is a long cylindrical unit in most of the bikes. The alloy wheel design is quiet impressive as all other get a 6 spoke simple alloy design. The bike is expected with the same engine as the Honda Unicorn 160, with little chances of it being a further tuned unit. Mileage figure would be totally dependent on the engine tuning and the expectations are close to 40-45 kmpl.
Discussions and Questions What Is The Mileage For The Honda Cb Hornet 160R
What is the mileage for the Honda CB Hornet 160R?
02 January 2023 06:30
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