Is the mileage of Honda Activa 3G low or high?

Kershnie Kershnie on 02 January 2023 06:21
Is the mileage of Honda Activa 3G low or high?
mohammad nausha qure on 27 May 2015 00:00
Honda claims a mileage of 60 kmpl for its Honda Activa 3G, which is a correct figure for the competition being faced by the scooter. You can get a 50+ kmpl while riding in city and highway conditions easily and the ride quality is also far better from most of the offerings in the segment. The only drawback of the Activa is its front traditional suspension, which has been replaced by a telescopic ones in most of the competitors and Honda Activa 125 itself.

Honda Activa 3G - The King of Scooters


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