From where can I buy a Kawasaki Ninja bike in Tamilnadu?
From where can I buy a Kawasaki Ninja bike in Tamilnadu?
Kawasaki Ninja is available in India through the Bajaj Auto showrooms and Tamil Nadu has a total of 36 Bajaj dealers. You can check for your nearest dealer and confirm whether they have Kawasaki products with them or not as many dealers sell only Bajaj products. Even you can confirm about the availability on order and charges occurring due to it. Ninja range starts from INR 3 lakh and goes up to the mighty Ninja H2, which would be more than INR 30,00,000. You can even wait for more Ninjas to launch in India, which are most probably single cylinder entry level bikes. You can search for the showroom from the following link.
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From where can I buy a Kawasaki Ninja bike in Tamilnadu?
02 January 2023 06:28
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