Got this bike on December 23rd 2015. Completed 500km now. I test rode & compared Gixxer and FZ V2 before buying this bike. And I should say this is the best among all the three. It has got nice performance, best braking among the three and the seats are large and comfortable enough for both rider and pillion compared to Gixxer and FZ. Even though the switchgear is very basic, they are very user friendly and the switches are well positioned. The clutch and gearbox are very smooth and suits both cities and highways. But sometimes false neutral falls between the 1st and 2nd gears which is a little disturbing while riding in city traffic. It does well in corners too. Now the engine is tuned to give maximum efficiency if driven in the 60km/h ranges. Till 5000rpm, the engine is so smooth and feels like u r flowing through the road. Past 5000rpm is where the real power is pumped in and you should experience it to understand what i mean. Overall it is a value for money product.
Best Features: Looks and the rear disk brake
Pros: Stunning looks, mileage, excellent braking, redine engine, light clutch, gear
Cons: Suspension and seat is slightly stiff, sometimes false neutral between 1st and 2nd gears during quick shifting