This bike is targeted at the young riders aged between 18 to 30 years. It is equipped with superb ergonomics and beautiful design that increases the patent muscular appeal of the Fazer series and the great style quotient. It is a perfect partner for the biking lovers on long rides. The seat is comfortable and offers good riding position which provides the rider an enjoyable riding experience. It is empowered with Yamaha's new-gen engine development principle – 'Blue Core' which improves all the important aspects of the engine, including better performance, fuel economy, reduced emissions and enhanced acceleration. Gear transitions are ultra smooth and also easy to use. The engine has a single-axis balance, which reduces the engine vibrations, block vibrations reaching the footrest, handlebar and rider. The longer wheelbase of 1330mm improves stability and steering response to a whole new level. Its compound tyres offer better traction levels and improved handling stability. If we talk about its price, I found it little bit costly.
Best Features: Eye-catching Style
Pros: Excellent mileage, eye-catching style, smooth engine, superb ride quality, good seating position
Cons: Slightly expensive