Will traditional Royal Enfield fans like the unique Flying Flea C6 design?
Over the years, Royal Enfield built a strong following by making classic motorcycle designs which somehow managed to transport customers into a time where they always wanted to return. The Flying Flea C6 is a definitive move away from this classic aesthetic, however, combining retro styling with a future looking electric powertrain and untraditional frame. However, this shift also brings along questions about how Royal Enfield enthusiasts currently will react to the new model. Will they welcome this brave new foray into the future, or will they fear it as too far from the brand’s origins? The reaction could prove to be a major one for Royal Enfield’s strategy going forward, as they plan to switch to electric vehicles in the future while also trying to hold onto the core customer base.
Long RE fan that I am, I'm actually excited about the Flying Flea C6. The brand isn't afraid to innovate, but it does stick with a few retro touches. I don't know if that's for everyone, but I think it will draw a new generation of riders to the brand.
No way. There’s nothing traditional RE fans love more than the classic look, and the thumping engine sound. A lot of die hard fans are going to be alienated by this electric thing with its weird frame. They’re like they’re trying to be something they aren’t.
I think it'll be a mixed bag. Traditionalists will hate it, but RE is trying something new and some will like that. I personally love that they are pushing boundaries but still giving nods to their heritage. They might just pull it off, it's a tough balance.
I own both classic and modern bikes, so I am intrigued. It’s definitely different not necessarily bad. RE has to evolve to remain relevant and this could be a smart way to bridge the gap between old and new.
I'm skeptical. The Flying Flea C6 is just cool but is so far removed from what RE is known for. I’m afraid they’ll lose their identity trying to chase trends. All that being said, if it rides well and has that RE quality, it may win people over.
Discussions and Questions Will Traditional Royal Enfield Fans Like The Unique Flying Flea C6 Design
Will traditional Royal Enfield fans like the unique Flying Flea C6 design?
09 January 2025 10:23
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