Will the electric powertrain of the Flying Flea be a deal breaker for hardcore RE enthusiasts?
The thump of the single cylinder engines has been the cornerstone of Royal Enfield's reputation, and a key part of the RE riding experience. Of course, the Flying Flea is an electric motorcycle, so it will be completely silent by comparison. The move to electric power is a big change in the sensory experience of riding an RE. The sound of the engine is a big part of the motorcycle’s character and appeal — or at least that’s the way many enthusiasts see it. Of course, a Riding experience with no engine noise, no engine vibrations and no gear shifting might be dull to someone who's used to riding a traditional RE motorcycle and that could be a 'downer' for the Flying Flea. Moreover, the debate is further complicated by the range, charging infrastructure and general reliability of electric powertrains in the Indian context.
Absolutely. What makes an RE an RE is the thump. If you don't have it, it's just another electric bike.
No, RE will push boundaries to true enthusiasts. It’s not just about the sound, it’s about the brand.
Electric excites me but I hope they can add some character to it. Maybe artificial sound?
For some, it’ll be a deal breaker, but it’ll also attract a whole new crowd of eco conscious riders.
First it will be weird, but I bet the instant torque will make up for it.
I don’t care about the sound, but I’m more worried about range and charging. Fix those, and I'm on board.
The hardcore crowd, this is not. Clearly, this is aimed at urban commuters and new riders.
The real test though will be how it feels to ride. People will get over the lack of sound if it's fun.
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