Why the delivery period of Hyundai Elite i20 is so long?

muhamad iqbal on 28 December 2022 13:10
Why so late delivery of Elite i20. I am waiting from two months after booking.
mohammad nausha qure on 29 May 2015 00:00
The delivery of Hyundai Elite i20 has been increased due to slower production and higher demand. Generally, the cars are not on waiting as both the terms meet each other's requirement, but now the demand for i20 has increased due to its positive reviews by current owners. They will provide you the car in 3-6 months from the date of booking and mostly some colors like White and Grey are more prone to longer waiting periods. You may get some other shade for a lesser waiting time also. You should call your dealer at regular intervals also as they are sometimes neglecting your urgency as some other buyer may approach them by paying instantly.


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