Why is there so much chatter around the infamous false neutral issue on the KTM 690 SMC R?
There is a reputation for the KTM 690 SMC R having a 'false neutral' problem between 5th and 6th gears. This has been a hot topic in all rider forums and social media groups, with some owners saying it is a common occurrence and others saying this is not an issue. False neutral can cause unexpected revving when shifting, and if it happens when you don’t want it to, it can be dangerous. It's just part of the bike's character, say some riders, who have found ways to mitigate the problem. Is it really a problem for potential buyers, or is it just a big deal for nothing that can be easily dealt with by proper riding technique? So let’s take a look at what 690 SMC R owners had to say about this controversial topic.
It is definitely a thing, but I don't find it to be much of a real safety issue; it's more of an annoyance. After a while you get used to the bike, and you shift more deliberately, and it rarely happens.
I have 10,000 miles on my 690 SMC R, and I only false neutered twice. On forums I think it's way overblown. You'll be fine if you just shift properly.
The first time it happened, it scared the crap out of me, but now I just laugh it off. That’s part of the bike’s quirky character. If you can't take a little bit of excitement, maybe keep it to a Honda.
After installing a quickshifter, I haven't had a false neutral since. If it really bothers you, it’s an easy fix.
It's a valid problem, particularly for newer riders. It's caught me off guard in corners a few times and had some sketchy moments. This is one area KTM needs to really address in the future models.
It depends on the individual bike, I think. I've ridden a friend's 690 that seemed to hit false neutrals constantly; mine rarely does it. It might be worth a good inspection before buying used.
And my Husqvarna 701 does it too; it’s not just the 690. I think that's just a characteristic of the engine design. After a while you get used to it and learn how to shift around it.
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