What problems do FZ1 Fazer owners have the most?
What quirks and possible problems do FZ1 Fazer owners run into just like any other motorcycle? These common problems are good to discuss with potential buyers, so they know what to look for, and with current owners so they can be on the lookout for preventative maintenance. There may be some minor annoyances that are problems, or there may be more serious concerns. It’s a conversation that often includes tips on how to diagnose and fix problems, and arguments about whether some problems are overblown or underreported. The FZ1 community share their experiences and solutions.
The biggest problem with early models is definitely the fueling. At low speeds it's jerky and city riding can be a pain.
Mine has been years with no major problems. As long as you keep up with regular maintenance it'll run forever.
The stock suspension isn’t great either, especially for heavier riders. The shock and fork internals make a huge difference when upgraded.
Be careful of cam chain tensioner troubles. It’s a known weak point and if it fails, it can make some pretty scary noises.
The stock rectifier/regulator is known to fail. As a preventative measure, lots of guys swap it for a MOSFET unit.
Mine have had some electrical gremlins. Pain a pain to track down intermittent starting issues.
The stock seat is not so comfortable for a long ride. The aftermarket seats or rebuilt seats are what most owners end up getting.
They're pretty bulletproof bikes, honestly. The vast majority of issues are very minor and easy to fix. The problems you see with some other brands are nothing like that.
Watch out for steering head bearings. But they wear out much faster than you’d expect, especially if you ride in the rain a lot.
Discussions and Questions What Problems Do Fz1 Fazer Owners Have The Most
What problems do FZ1 Fazer owners have the most?
10 January 2025 07:47
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