What is the price of Hyundai Creta in CSD?
What is the price of Hyundai Creta in CSD?
Hyundai Creta is has been launched a day ago and its availability in the CSD will take a long time as the car has undergone a lot of booking and delivering the current booking will take a time of 3 months. The car is having 3 engine options, all of them above 1300 cc, making it non available to many of the CSD personnel. Even after all the possibilities the availability in CSD solely depends upon the team which makes decision of a vehicle's entry into CSD. The car comes with a price tag of INR 8.59 lakh for the base petrol model and goes up to INR 13.60 lakh for the diesel top model. It has been provided with an automatic transmission model in the SX+ trim of the diesel 1.6 L engine.
Hyundai Creta - The Perfect SUV
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What is the price of Hyundai Creta in CSD?
28 December 2022 13:12
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