What is the price of disc brake calipers of the Honda Aviator?
<span style="color: #555555"><span style="font-family: inherit"><span style="font-size: small">What is the disc diameter for this scooter?</span></span></span>
Disc brake caliper for the Honda Aviator can be bought for INR 2401 while it is further divided into 15 components, which have different prices. If your current caliper is repairable, you can use these small parts and save money while if bought as a complete set, it can be fitted directly into the assembly. The disc brake size for the new Aviator is 190 mm. The brakes are fitted with CBS and the Aviator uses the same engine as Honda Activa and other 110 cc scooters in the lineup. You can buy the caliper here.
Discussions and Questions What Is The Price Of Disc Brake Calipers Of The Ho
What is the price of disc brake calipers of the Honda Aviator?
02 January 2023 06:45
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