What is the price of Bajaj Qute in US dollars?
What is the price in dollars?
Bajaj Qute has been priced at $ 2,000 for the international market. It can be called as one of the most affordable products with 4 wheels and a roof around the world. It has not yet been launched in India whereas it will be exported to 16 countries worldwide. The engine powering the Qute is a 216.6 cc, water cooled, triple spark engine producing 13 BHP and 19.6 Nm of torque. It comes with a 5-speed gearbox and a top speed of 70 kmph. The claims mileage for this quadricycle is 36 kmpl.
Discussions and Questions What Is The Price Of Bajaj Qute In Us Dollars
What is the price of Bajaj Qute in US dollars?
02 January 2023 06:43
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