What is the price of Bajaj Pulsar NS200 in Bangalore?
Price of Pulsar 200 NS?
Bajaj Pulsar NS200 has been temporarily suspended from production. You won't be able to buy a new one from the showroom but buying one from the used market is possible. It retailed for INR 91,553 when it was last sold while if its fuel injected version arrives, it can be somewhat close to INR 1,00,000. The NS200 comes with a 199.5 cc, 1-cylinder engine producing 23.17 BHP and 18.3 Nm of torque. If equipped with fuel injection, the motorcycle will produce the same power as the flagship Pulsar RS200.
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What is the price of Bajaj Pulsar NS200 in Bangalore?
02 January 2023 06:46
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