What is the price of 1998 Honda CBR1000RR?
What is the price of 1998 Honda CBR1000RR?
The Honda CBR1000RR was launched in 2004 and the model it replaced, which was available in 1998 was the CBR900RR. The bike was the lightest one in the segment, weighing only 185 kg and 205 kg with all the fluids and full fuel tank. In 1998, the Honda CBR900RR was in its 4th generation, with revised running dynamics and suspension. The bike now had larger disc brakes and 80 percent of its engine was built again, in order to improve performance and reduce friction. It produced around 125 BHP at that time, making it the favorite one for racing. Before its discontinuation in 2004, its dry weight was reduced to 168 kg only. Its price solely depends on its condition and the offer being made by its owner.
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What is the price of 1998 Honda CBR1000RR?
02 January 2023 06:16
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