What is the mileage of Bajaj Pulsar AS200 and RS200?
What is the mileage of Bajaj Pulsar AS200 and RS200?
For Pulsar RS 200 you will get mileage about 36 kmpl and AS 200 - 38 kmpl and AS 150 - 45 kmpl (tested)
The mileage of Pulsar AS200 and Pulsar RS200 totally depends on the way both the throttles are twisted. Lets consider the ideal driving conditions, with a medium city traffic and 70 percent highway ride. The difference in the mileage between both the bikes would be 1-3 kmpl only. The Bajaj Pulsar AS200 will return 34-36 kmpl whereas the RS200 will return 33-35 kmpl. The basic reason behind this would be the heavy weight of the front fairing of Bajaj Pulsar RS200 and the slight difference in its engine tuning. Even with the different riding styles of two riders, the bikes can deliver equal mileage too.
Bajaj Pulsar AS200 vs. Bajaj Pulsar RS200
Discussions and Questions What Is The Mileage Of Bajaj Pulsar As200 And Rs20
What is the mileage of Bajaj Pulsar AS200 and RS200?
02 January 2023 06:21
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