What is the difference between Kawasaki Ninja H2 & Ninja H2R?

Ranjeet Bhullar on 02 January 2023 06:16
What is the difference between Kawasaki Ninja H2 & Ninja H2R?
mohammad nausha qure on 17 April 2015 00:00
Kawasaki Ninja H2 and H2R have a major difference in terms of performance. Both are supercharged bikes with a 998 cc engine but the H2R is more performance oriented with a supercharger impeller which clocks at 1,30,000 rpm to push a massive 200 liters of air per second into the engine. H2R produces nearly 100 more BHP than the normal version Ninja H2.

Kawasaki Ninja H2 - Built Beyond Belief


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