What are the technical specifications of Maruti WagonR LXi (2009 model)?

AJINKYA MARGAJ on 28 December 2022 13:10
What are the technical specifications of Maruti WagonR LXi (2009 model)? and details about filling mobil oil quantity and grade.
mohammad nausha qure on 08 July 2015 00:00
The Maruti Suzuki WagonR LXi 2009 model had a 1061 cc,4-cylinder petrol motor which produced 62 BHP @ 6000 rpm and 84 NM @ 3500 rpm. It came with a 5-speed manual transmission. The car comes with a tall boy design, making it different from all the other petrol hatchbacks. The exact amount of engine oil and grade can be better known from your nearest Maruti Suzuki service center. They will provide you with the right grade of oil which brings longer engine life and increased performance. Also, they will tell you the exact quantity of oil to be used for a one time replacement and the time after which the replacement is to be done.


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