Should large family on a budget go for the Tour M or stay with the regular Ertiga?
Being a commercial vehicle in the first place, the Maruti Tour M has nevertheless found some budget conscious large families attracted to its lower price than the regular Ertiga. This has led to debates about whether using a commercial variant for personal use is a good idea. One the one hand, Tour M comes with the same basics space and functionality as the Ertiga, but for a more affordable price. But it may not have all the comfort features and refinements that make the Ertiga so popular among family buyers. There are other issues, like how using a commercial model will impact considerations like insurance costs and registration, and also social perceptions. A common discussion that comes up around this question is the trade off between cost savings and comfort, and more broadly, what are the implications of using vehicles outside of the market segment that they were built for.
If you're really tight on budget, the Tour M might work. You will, however, miss out on some of the comfort features that make the Ertiga a great family car.
I'd say go for it! And most of the "missing" features are just frills anyway, and the savings could be substantial. The extra cash in their pocket will be appreciated by a large family.
It's not worth it. The regular Ertiga isn’t much more expensive, and you get a much better overall package. You also avoid any registration hassles.
As a person that drove both, I can say that Tour M is good enough for family purposes. In short, it is nothing but an Ertiga minus the bling.
Think about the long term. But Tour M may be cheaper now, only to have those savings eaten up by lower resale value and possibly higher maintenance costs.
Why not? Go for it if it meets your needs and if it saves you money. If you really miss something, you can always add aftermarket features.
I would worry about safety features. If they have cut corners there, it’s not worth risking your family’s safety for some savings.
Discussions and Questions Should Large Family On A Budget Go For The Tour M Or Stay With The Regular Ertiga
Should large family on a budget go for the Tour M or stay with the regular Ertiga?
30 December 2024 09:17
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