My height is 5.5", can I ride Bajaj Pulsar RS200, is this bike comfortable for me?
My height is 5.5", can I ride Bajaj Pulsar RS200, is this bike comfortable for me?
It is possible for you to ride the Bajaj Pulsar RS200 but the problems would be faced while riding in high traffic roads and rough conditions. The bike comes with a seat height of 820 mm and putting your feet everytime you brake will be a difficult task. Even if you put the same easily, the weight of 165 kg would put a lot of pressure on your legs and riding it where you need to continuously brake and accelerate(traffic lights and markets) will be a bit risky too. You should avoid buying the RS200 and should wait for the new Pulsar CS200. The bike would come with the same engine and specifications and its cruiser feel would make you easy on every ride at every type of road.
Know about CS200 here –

Discussions and Questions My Height Is 55 Can I Ride Bajaj Pulsar Rs200 Is T
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