Is the maintenance cost of Tata Indica low or high?

neeta bhise on 28 December 2022 13:10
Hi, I run taxi services for which I would like to buy a Tata Indica, Is the maintenance cost of Tata Indica low or high (3 years/3 lakh kms??
mohammad nausha qure on 01 June 2015 00:00
The Tata Indica has very low initial maintenance cost. The car comes with a very good mileage, making the running cost as low as possible. The service and maintenance is also lowest of all, making it a great option for taxi service. The engine life of Tata diesel engine may not guarantee a 3 lakh kilometer range, but repairing the engine for some extra life is also easily possible for the Tata Indica. Overall, it can serve as a better option than most of the cars in the Indian automobile market. You can also consider the Indigo sedan as it can bring more space for luggage to the car with a minimum possible price difference.


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