Is it cool to modify an Alto to sportier looks or is it just ridiculous?
Some enthusiasts are modifying Maruti Altos to make them look sportier. Typically that means body kits, custom paint jobs, aftermarket wheels and often times performance mods too. Its supporters say it gives personal expression and can make even the humble Alto stand out from the crowd. For them, it’s a way to enjoy car customization on a budget. But critics often see these modifications as tacky or as an attempt to make a basic car seem something it isn't. Some people debate whether these mods do anything more than make the car look dumb. Changes that alter the vehicle’s structural or handling capabilities for safety reasons are also coming into play. It raises questions on more general themes of car culture in India, the need to be unique in a sea of similar vehicles and if it makes sense to modify a budget car or save up for a higher end model.
It's awesome! Why shouldn’t cheap cars also look cool? My modded Alto gets more heads turn than some luxury cars.
That's like putting lipstick on a pig. Mods can't hide the fact that it's still just an Alto.
Most people go overboard with the subtle mods, it looks tacky.
It's fun and harmless. Why judge if it makes the owner happy?
Some of these Alto mods compromise safety, but modding is fine. Not worth the risk.
It's a waste of money. It’s better to save up for a car that is actually sporty, instead of pretending.
I love seeing creative Alto mods. It’s passionate and ingenious, particularly on a budget.
Discussions and Questions Is It Cool To Modify An Alto To Sportier Looks Or Is It Just Ridiculous
Is it cool to modify an Alto to sportier looks or is it just ridiculous?
30 December 2024 06:57
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