How much is the down payment for Bajaj Pulsar NS200?
How much is the down payment for Bajaj Pulsar NS200?
The down payment of Bajaj Pulsar 200NS will be decided by the Bajaj finance at the time of purchase of the vehicle. The figure is decided by the person dealing in the loan section and you can ask for a rough figure by calling your nearest Bajaj showroom. The Pulsar 200 NS comes with a 199.5 cc engine producing 23.17 BHP @ 9500 rpm and 18.30 NM @ 8000 rpm. The bike comes with a naked design, making it an excellent street fighter. It also has a disc brake for the rear wheel, but lacks ABS which is available only in the top most trim of Pulsar RS200. The naked Pulsar gets 6-speed manual gearbox and returns a fuel economy of 40 kmpl. You can buy the Pulsar for INR 91,500.
All You Need to Know about Bajaj Pulsar 200NS
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How much is the down payment for Bajaj Pulsar NS200?
02 January 2023 06:25
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