How many kilometers can Yamaha Ray ZR run safely?

SANALKUMAR TL on 02 January 2023 06:45
<span style="color: #555555"><span style="font-family: inherit"><span style="font-size: small">Can we have long journeys with this scooter?</span></span></span>
ayyub ARSHAD on 20 June 2016 00:00
Yamaha Ray ZR can easily have day long runs if driven at speeds around 55-60 kmph. It may need breaks every 100 kilometers as the small interval may let the little machine cool down and even provide some amount of relief to the riders back and legs. You can drive the Ray ZR up to the given service interval without any actual harm while high speeds can make the engine more vulnerable for internal damage than moderate speeds for long journeys.


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