Can Maruti be able to transfer its reliability reputation to the eVX and the EV space?
The brand that Maruti Suzuki has built in India is based on reliable, low maintenance vehicles that can take on the rigours of Indian roads and climatic conditions. While they enter the electric vehicle market with the eVX, the question arises whether this reputation will follow them. Maintenance needs and potential points of failure of an EV are different than internal combustion engines. Also, Maruti will be dealing with new technologies and components which they don’t have decades of experience with. This scenario leads to a very complicated world where Maruti's current brand reputation might cause people to expect a lot, but the reality of EV technology and its lack of experience in this area could be a problem. The question it raises is whether Maruti’s engineering prowess and its understanding of Indian conditions will put them ahead in developing a reliable EV, or if the new technology will be a steep learning curve for the company.
Simplicity is what makes Maruti’s reliability. If EVs are inherently simpler than ICE cars, they should be able to get it right.
I'm not so sure. Maruti is new to battery and motor longevity, which is what EV reliability is more about.
Toyota have their partnership going to help. Toyota's experience with hybrids will prove useful in the EV development.
Reliability isn’t just about the car not breaking down. It’s also about the charging network, and the software updates. Those are nails Maruti needs to get right.
They will struggle initially, I think. Maruti's first real EV is bound to have teething issues for first gen products.
Their service network is their strength. The advantage in EV maintenance will be huge if they train their mechanics well.
The real test will be whether the eVX can last 5-6 years. We'll know if Maruti's reliability translates to EVs then.
I'm optimistic. No one knows the Indian market better than Maruti. A company won’t risk their reputation by offering an unreliable product.
Discussions and Questions Can Maruti Be Able To Transfer Its Reliability Reputation To The Evx And The Ev Space
Can Maruti be able to transfer its reliability reputation to the eVX and the EV space?
30 December 2024 10:01
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