Bajaj Pulsar 220F has which type of camshaft?
DOHC or SOHC? Because Pulsar RS200 has SOHC camshaft.
The maximum available engine description for the Bajaj Pulsar 220F is that it gets a 1-cylinder, 220cc, 4-stroke DTS-i engine with oil cooling. It is most expected to be a SOHC engine as the setup is lighter and easy to install than the bulky and complex DOHC setup. The bike performs extremely well, producing a max of 20.8 BHP @ 8500 rpm and 19.12 NM @ 7000 rpm. The gearbox being used is a 5-speed manual unit and the bike returns a mileage of around 30-35 kmpl. The seat height of 795 mm and 150 kg of kerb weight makes it a great option for comfortable riding. It gets a price tag of INR 87,698.

Discussions and Questions Bajaj Pulsar 220F Has Which Type Of Camshaft
Bajaj Pulsar 220F has which type of camshaft?
02 January 2023 06:35
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