In how many variants TVS Apache RTR 200 is available?
TVS has not updated the official website of Apache 200 with complete price-list, and the list of variants. The bike is expected to be available in total 8 variants:
- Carb engine + TVS Tyres - Rs. 89,000
- Carb engine + Pirelli Tyres - Rs. 99,000
- Carb engine + TVS Tyres + ABS - Rs. 96,000
- Carb engine + Pirelli Tyres + ABS - Rs. 1,06,000
- Fi engine + TVS Tyres - 98,000
- Fi engine + Pirelli Tyres - 1,08,000
- Fi engine + TVS Tyres + ABS - 1,05,000
- Fi engine + Pirelli Tyres + ABS - Rs. 1,15,000

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