Bajaj Pulsar 220 vs Hero Karizma ZMR?
The Hero Karizma ZMR costs more compared to the Bajaj Pulsar, which may incline many to go for the cheaper option. However, no one will want to choose a bike on this bikes segment just because of the price. The bike usage is the main consideration that comes up whenever bikes in this category are chosen. For those who ride their bikes daily over long distances, the Bajaj Pulsar 220 is not the right choice, and it is therefore advisable to go for the Hero Karizma ZMR. For those who are in love with biking around corners then the Bajaj Pulsar 220 is the right choice and not the Hero Karizma ZMR. Overall, the two bikes are almost the same, however, the Hero Karizma ZMR gains more points because of its nature of sheer focus and perfect speed handling. These are the two necessities that a bike lover looks for in a sports bike.