TVS iQube Electric Scooter or Something More?

TVS iQube Electric Scooter or Something More?

A mysterious electric scooter resembling the TVS iQube has been spotted during testing in Bengaluru, leaving many wondering about its identity. While it bears a striking resemblance to the TVS iQube, there are notable differences, raising questions about its origin and purpose.

A Doppelganger of TVS iQube Electric Scooter?

The electric vehicle (EV) era is gaining momentum, especially in India, with a significant focus on electric scooters. Brands like TVS have seen increased popularity for their electric scooters, particularly the iQube. However, a mysterious e-scooter has now emerged on the testing scene, and it looks remarkably similar to the TVS iQube.

One intriguing aspect is that this scooter carries Karnataka TC plates, which is unusual for TVS test products. TVS typically registers its test vehicles in Tamil Nadu (Chennai). This discrepancy adds to the mystery surrounding the scooter.

As for the test vehicle itself, it features telescopic forks at the front, LED lights, and a raised handlebar. Unfortunately, since there are no rear or side profile photos available, it's challenging to determine whether it's a petrol scooter or an electric one. If it turns out to be the iQube, it's possible that the extensive testing is related to a new, long-range battery. The overall design of the test scooter closely resembles the current iQube model.

Final Thought 

The mysterious scooter may potentially be a scooter resembling the iQube produced by a new startup. Bengaluru is known as a hub for EV startups, and it's plausible that a company is experimenting with the iQube's bodywork to develop and test new technology and powertrains. However, as of now, the scooter's exact identity remains uncertain, leaving room for speculation and discussion.

If you have any insights or information about this enigmatic scooter, please share your thoughts in the comments. Additionally, you can join our Whatsapp Group Community of automotive enthusiasts to stay updated on exciting news and developments like this.
