The Triumph Speed 400 was launched in India earlier this month at an attractive price of Rs 2.23 lakh (ex-showroom). The bike has been well-received by the Indian audience, and over 10,000 bookings have been received in just a few days. Due to the high demand, the waiting period for the Speed 400 has been extended to 10 to 16 weeks, depending on the location. The dealers are communicating this to the customers who have booked the bike.
Bajaj Auto has a production capacity of 5,000 units per month for the Triumph bikes at its new Chakan plant. However, the company can increase its capacity if there is a demand for it. We believe that Bajaj will aggressively expand the production capacity for the Speed 400 and the upcoming Scrambler 400X in the coming months. The festive season is just a few weeks away, and the demand for these bikes is likely to increase further.
Here are some additional details about the Triumph Speed 400:
- The Speed 400 is powered by a 398.15cc single-cylinder engine that produces 39.5 hp and 37.5 Nm of torque.
- The bike has a top speed of around 160 kmph.
- It gets a 300mm disc brake at the front and a 230mm disc brake at the rear.
- It comes with a 17-inch alloy wheel at the front and a 17-inch alloy wheel at the rear.
- It gets a full-LED headlamp, a LED tail lamp, and LED turn indicators.
- It gets a semi-digital instrument cluster.
The Triumph Speed 400 is a great option for those looking for an affordable and stylish naked roadster. The bike is well-equipped and offers a good balance of performance and handling.