When will Bajaj launch the Pulsar AS200 & Pulsar AS150 in Nepal?
When will Bajaj launch the Pulsar AS200 & Pulsar AS150 in Nepal?
Bajaj has not currently disclosed its plans for exporting the newly made Adventure series in Nepal. You can check the Bajaj's Nepal website for updated information as the new release will be displayed in the Pulsar section.
Currently Bajaj offers Pulsar 150, 180, 220 DTS-i and Bajaj Pulsar 200 NS in Nepal. Bajaj Pulsar AS200 comes with the same dynamics and paper values as that of the 200 NS whereas the AS150 comes with a newly developed 150 cc engine, producing 16.8 BHP, which is equivalent to the current power value of Bajaj 180 DTS-i.
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