What’s up with Pulsar 150 owners and their need to make loud exhausts?
In India, after market exhausts are a very common sight (or rather sound), and you see a Pulsar 150 fly past with an exhaust that sounds like a small jet engine. It would appear that Pulsar owners are particularly fond of this modification, more so than with other bikes in the same category. Some riders love these loud exhausts, say they help performance and make the bike sound more 'sporty.' But others say it’s just noise pollution and only serves to give motorcyclists a bad name. The other thing to note is the legal aspect, as most of these modifications are not street legal. Yet, the trend persists. Is it about being different from the others? A misguided attempt at performance enhancement? Or is the Pulsar 150’s stock exhaust just not good enough?
It's all about attention-seeking behavior. Loud=cool they think, but it’s just bothersome to everyone else.
In fact, some exhausts actually increase performance a little. It's not all about the noise.
It’s just part of Pulsar culture now. Whether you like it or not it’s become inseparable from the bike.
I blame movies and social media. We all want to sound like those 'cool' bikes we see on screen.
It’s too quiet for stock exhaust. Some people go too far with it, but a slightly louder one does make the ride more enjoyable.
It is a very cheap way of changing your bike. Engine work is not something everyone can afford, but almost anyone can slap on a loud exhaust.
I think it's a safety thing. Loud pipes save lives, right? They say at least.
It's just posturing. It’s the same reason some guys rev at traffic lights. They believe that it is cool.
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