What would be the on-road price of Renault KWID in Pune?
What would be the on-road price of Renault KWID in Pune?
The Renault KWID is expected as the most feature loaded offering in the segment. It's on-road price for the top end variant is expected to be around INR 4.5 lac. It comes with a 800 cc, 3-cylinder petrol engine, which would be having a 5-speed manual transmission. Renault has not disclosed any performance figure for the car, making it a surprise till its launch. The mileage figure is expected to be the best in class, with chances of it being the most fuel efficient petrol car of India. Renault has played good by adding a touchscreen infotainment system to the car, alongside its fully digital instrument console. The car comes with a ground clearance of 180 mm. The SUV like styling has attracted every segment of the society, through which Renault wished to have a new bestseller.
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