What is the on-road price of Honda CBR250R in Hyderabad?

elyon odoki on 02 January 2023 06:40
On-road price of Honda CBR250R in Hyderabad?
ayyub ARSHAD on 12 May 2016 00:00
Honda CBR250R has an approximate on-road price tag of INR 1,76,333 for the standard variant whereas the ABS equipped version comes with a price tag of around INR 2,08,000. The motorcycle comes equipped with a powerful 250 cc engine producing 26.15 BHP and 22.9 Nm of torque. he engine is liquid cooled as well as fuel injected and comes mated to a 6-speed gearbox. The bike weighs 163 kg and rides very comfortably at triple digit speeds.
