What is the maintainance cost of Ford Fiesta1.6 DuraTec SXi?

nitin singhal on 28 December 2022 13:08
What is the maintainance cost of Ford Fiesta1.6 DuraTec SXi petrol and what is the milege?
mohammad nausha qure on 10 June 2015 00:00
The maintenance cost of Ford Fiesta 1.6 DuraTec includes the engine oil change after 10,000 kms. The other charge include cleaning of the throttle bodies, changing of the AC coolant, brakes and suspension check and minor electrical repairs. With an average riding range, the Ford Fiesta's service interval can be as long as 1 year and the charges including everything would not cross INR 7,000 a year. More driving will raise the charges as the intervals can be as short as 4 months, if you ride 2500 kms a month. The SXi variant includes ABS and EBD, power windows and many other features over the LXi variant.


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