What is the difference between 2015 Yamaha YZF-R1 and YZF-R1M?
What is the difference between 2015 Yamaha YZF-R1 and YZF-R1M?
Yamaha YZF-R1 and YZF-R1M has a difference of seat height which is 5 mm higher for the Yamaha R1M and also the tyre size of the Yamaha R1M is 200/55-17 instead of 190/55-17. The R1 is 1kg lighter than the R1M due to the above listed changes and overall specs remains same. Both use the same 998 cc motor with same power output. The major visual difference includes the color pattern of both bikes with R1 available in Blue, Red, Black and R1M in carbon fiber and liquid metal shade.
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