What can we expect in terms of performance and technology when compared to international competitors for Mahindra’s electric halo car?
With Mahindra announcing its electric halo car, the globe is curious and speculating how it will compete with existing international competitors. It is not about how fast the car goes, or how quickly it accelerates, but about the functions of the technology employed, including autonomous driving features and battery management system. People ask questions, ‘Can Mahindra match the range and charging capability of some more experienced EV manufacturers?’ and at the same time, questions arise about the reliability and robustness of their systems. The debate also extends to design and user experience aspects, how Mahindra will differentiate their offering in a crowded market. Others think Mahindra will have the advantage of Formula E racing experience, while many others point to the vast resources and head start that companies like Tesla, Porsche, and Rimac have in this space. The conversation also looks at how Mahindra could use partnerships or acquisitions to improve their capabilities and, perhaps, some unique innovations they have in their back pocket that could surprise the automotive world.
I think Mahindra's gonna come out of this and surprise a lot of people. They've been killing it in Formula E and that experience will surely transfer over into some serious performance. And they have that Indian jugaad spirit — they might come up with some clever solutions we haven’t seen before.
Mahindra's playing catch up here, let's be real. Companies like Tesla and Porsche have been at this for years and have much more resources. Mahindra is gonna have a tough job to play in matching their level of refinement and performance.
Neither of you get it. It doesn't have to beat Tesla or Porsche to be successful. If you can get 80% of the performance for 60% of the price, that’s a win. Plus, it'll be the only car with that distinct Indian flavor that might attract some buyers.
Reliability is what I'm worried about. Mahindra has a history of first gen products with issues. An SUV is a lot simpler than an electric super car. It could be a huge embarrassment and they better get it right.
Why are we assuming that Mahindra is going at it alone? They could team up with or buy out some of the most innovative tech companies out there to help them get more powerful. It could help them skip some of the development process.
Perhaps we’re underestimating the role of software in modern EVs. If they get the user interface right and they’re able to do over the air updates, then they have a real edge. It's an area where even the big players sometimes struggle.
We can't forget about charging infrastructure. The car doesn’t matter how good it is, if you can’t charge it conveniently. The whole ecosystem has to be thought of by Mahindra, not just the vehicle.
Discussions and Questions What Can We Expect In Terms Of Performance And Technology When Compared To International Competitors For Mahindras Electric Halo Car
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