The WagonR's boxy design is a blessing or a curse?
The Maruti WagonR has been on sale for over two decades and the boxy shape has become its distinctive feature. It’s either loved for how practical and space efficient it is, or it’s hated for how outdated and unappealing it can be. Its tall boy design, however, is great for head room and ingress/egress, but it also makes for a somewhat ungainly look compared to the sleeker hatchbacks. This debate has caused car enthusiasts and everyday users to debate. But some say the boxy shape is what makes the WagonR unique and recognizable; others think it's high time for a major redesign to keep up with modern aesthetics. The automotive community is still split about whether this iconic shape is a positive or negative characteristic of the car.
I love the boxy design honestly. It’s like you’re driving around in a cute little toaster on wheels. Also, the head room is amazing and I can wear my cowboy hat while driving.
Curse, definitely. It’s something that looks like something my grandpa would drive. Now there are so many sleeker options out there, Maruti needs to step up their game.
For someone who has owned three WagonRs, it is a blessing. It’s so practical, it’s unbeatable. It’s like a mini cargo van, I can fit so much stuff in there.
It's a mixed bag. It’s good for interior space but not pretty. I just wish they found a way to make it look a bit more modern, but still keep the practicality.
It’s become iconic at this point, I think. Yes, it's not the prettiest car, but you know it the second you see it. In a sea of lookalike hatchbacks, that’s something to be said for.
It’s a WagonR because of the boxy design. It will lose its identity if they change it too much. You don't mess with a classic shape, like the Jeep Wrangler.
As a tall person I'm all for the boxy design. It's the one of the few affordable cars I don't feel like I'm wearing it instead of sitting in it.
Discussions and Questions The Wagonrs Boxy Design Is A Blessing Or A Curse
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