The Nissan Patrol's fuel consumption, is it a deal breaker in today's eco conscious world?
The Nissan Patrol is an accepted fuel guzzler, especially in larger V8 model variants. With the environmental concerns and fuel efficiency becoming more important to many consumers, this aspect of the Patrol has become something of a talking point. The Patrol's thirsty nature is anathema for some who see it as outdated and irresponsible, but performance and capability are there to justify it for others. Much of the discussion also revolves around whether Nissan should provide more fuel efficient engine options such as hybrids or even full electric versions. Fuel consumption is also considered in terms of how practical the Patrol becomes in various markets, in countries where fuel prices are high.
Of course, it's a big, powerful SUV that drinks fuel. If you buy a Patrol, you already know what you're dealing with. It's not meant to be a Prius.
This day and age, the fuel consumption is ridiculous. At least a hybrid option is what Nissan should do. That kind of gas guzzling is hard to justify anymore.
It’s a concern, but I won’t lose sleep over it. The fuel costs are nothing compared to the reliability and capability of the Patrol. And I don't daily drive it around the city, either.
It depends I think, where you live. In the Gulf countries where fuel is cheap, it’s not a big deal. But Europe or parts of Asia? Most people will probably consider it as a deal breaker.
The fuel consumption sucks, but at the end of the day, people buying Patrols aren't too fussed about it. It is more of the status and capability.
It's definitely an issue. My Patrol is great, but the fuel bills aren't. If Nissan made a hybrid version with the same capability, I'd switch to that in a heartbeat.
Some markets get the V6 option as a good compromise. Not as thirsty as the V8, but still powerful enough. I wish they'd offer that everywhere.
Discussions and Questions The Nissan Patrols Fuel Consumption Is It A Deal Breaker In Todays Eco Conscious World
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