Is Mahindra’s focus on affordable EVs the right way to go for India?
It appears Mahindra is taking an approach of affordability with the eKUV100 in the Indian EV market. However, this strategy brings to question the trade off between cost and features that Indian consumers would expect in an electric vehicle. However. making EVs accessible to more buyers can also help speed adoption, with the trade off of range or even premium features. This argument, while suited for a price sensitive market like India, some say that Indian consumers will pay more for quality and features, particularly in the EV segment, some also argue that is not the right way. It also raises the question of whether this strategy will help Mahindra become a major player in the Indian EV market or will it set Mahindra up as a budget option in the long term?
Absolutely! For EV adoption to take hold in India, it needs affordable EVs. Luxury EVs are not in the reach of all.
I’m frightened they’re economising prematurely on the products and features, in the race to restrict costs.
That’s a good starting point but they need premium options as well for brand image.
Smart move. Start out with budget EVs to get people used to them and then move on to the fancier ones.
Even if it costs more, they should focus on making a really good EV. Quality matters.
Cheap is not always affordable. If they can get the core right, it could work.
It's risky. Later, they may end up with the 'cheap EV' image that is difficult to get rid of.
Discussions and Questions Is Mahindras Focus On Affordable Evs The Right Way To Go For India
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