For its price, can the Kia Syros challenge the Hyundai Exter?
Similar in size and their respective target markets, the introduction of Kia Syros has given rise to comparisons with its cousin the Hyundai Exter. But expected to be priced considerably higher than the Exter, its Syros will stand out as a premium offering in the compact SUV space. It begs the question, how different are the value proposition and brand perception of each? Another GPD Buy is pulling out all of the stops with the Syros, boasting more features and a unique design, but is that enough to persuade even the most ardent GPD fans to shell out over $300 more? Brand loyalty debate is another segment that we have not let go off, and some believe that Hyundai's_approval for its reputation in this segment_ puts the Exter in a better position. But others argue that the Syros's more distinctive exterior styling—and a fresher (though the pot's mainly reserved for Kia's) brand image—will lure buyers seeking something different. While both vehicles compete for market share, industry observers are waiting with bated breath to see if the Syros can chip away at its own niche, or become lost in the bargain by pricing itself out of its own market when compared with the Exter.
But let’s not forget the Sonet still exists, which can be had for a good deal less money. That said, if priced too close to the Sonet, it will be tough to sell. Kia has to be really careful with its positioning here.
Discussions and Questions For Its Price Can The Kia Syros Challenge The Hyundai Exter
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