Could the Maruti Tour V (O) surprise us by being a hit in the young, budget conscious buyer segment?

Ashutosh on 30 December 2024 09:27
Though it belongs to the commercial vehicle segment, the Maruti Tour V (O) could have an unexpected value proposition to first time car buyers with a small budget. Particularly, this demographic values this demographic because they usually prioritize affordability and low running costs along with practicality in place of style or ultra features. Sufficiently spacious, mechanically reliable, and low priced, the Tour V (O) could be a great first car for someone with enough friends/family members to justify the purchase, or a small business. But this idea runs counter to conventional marketing wisdom that young buyers prefer stylish, feature rich vehicles. Questions are raised about shifting priorities among younger customers, the effect of economic factors in car purchase decisions, and if utilitarian vehicles such as the Tour V (O) could become trendy in a ironic or counter cultural sense. This also relates to the larger question of how younger generations are changing their attitudes towards car ownership, and how no frills vehicles might rekindle an audience.
Priyanka on 08 November 2024 01:20
Young buyers don't want style and features, no way. The Tour V (O) is too basic and 'uncool' for the youth market. And would rather buy a used premium hatchback than a new Tour V (O).

Angad on 12 November 2024 05:29
I can actually see it happening. As the gig economy comes into play, young entrepreneurs may find the Tour V (O) practical and low in running costs. It was a smart, no nonsense choice.

Agha on 15 November 2024 14:40
If I was a young buyer, I would think about it. The car is something that you could save money on and put that money toward travel or starting a business. Also, there’s a certain coolness to doing something different and unique.

Priyanka on 19 November 2024 20:58
If Maruti markets it right, it could work. Talk up the practicality angle and feature this as a do it all car for work and play. Or maybe even collaborate with some young influencers to show its potential.

Richa on 21 November 2024 11:20
I think it's a stretch. Young buyers may be budget conscious but they’re also conscious of image. The Tour V (O) may be too utilitarian to get beyond its "taxi" image among youth.

Priyanka on 30 November 2024 09:16
In an ironic, hipster sort of way, it could become popular. Just as some young people are into old, boxy Volvos. In fact, the no frills vibe the Tour V (O) might actually become its selling point.

Mansi on 05 December 2024 22:33
I’ve just bought my first car, and when I was looking for a car I considered the Tour V (O). I liked the space and low running costs, but I went for something with more features. Young buyers who grew up with smartphones find it a tough sell.


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