Could the Jaunty-3W launch a new category of 'micro-mobility' vehicles for urban transportation?
Jaunty-3W's unique design and functionality have caused some to wonder if it could be the beginning of a new category of urban transportation vehicles. These are "micro-mobility" solutions that may fill the gap between bikes or scooters and larger personal vehicles. Proponents contend that such vehicles would help alleviate traffic congestion and pollution, and make available more agile forms of transportation for different users. But critics wonder if it's wise to add another category of vehicles onto already crowded urban streets. Debates rage as to what infrastructure is needed, whether the vehicles are safe, and how they would fit into existing transportation systems. The paper also discusses how these vehicles might influence urban planning and design, as well as public transportation usage.
This could be a future of urban transport! That’s what crowded cities need: smaller, efficient vehicles.
I'm worried about safety. How would these mix with regular traffic? We'd need to change our infrastructure on a major scale.
It's an interesting idea but I think spending resources on improving public transport is a better use of resources.
I am someone who hates driving, but find biking too tiring, and this kind of vehicle would be perfect for me.
In theory, a great idea, but I can already picture these things clogging sidewalks and bike lanes.
For those with mild mobility issues who don’t need a full mobility scooter, this could be a game changer.
I worry about the electricity demand if they became widespread, but am excited about the potential for reducing emissions.
But I think this kind of vehicle will be obsolete before it catches on thanks to self driving cars.
As a urban planner, this intrigues me. It could result in some innovative new city street or path designs.
The idea is great, but I’m worried about the price. But will these be affordable enough to really make a difference?
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