After how many days I'll get my bike if I order a new Bajaj Pulsar RS200?
How to buy new Bajaj Pulsar RS200, what is the ex show room Price and after how many days I'll get my bike if I ordered?
Bajaj Pulsar RS200 can be bought from your nearest Bajaj dealership but you can check your city on the Bajaj Pulsar RS200 official page before making it to the dealership. If available nearby, you can book the bike with a small amount whereas you can be lucky to have the bike on the same day if some specific shade is available with them. Bajaj offers the RS200 in Red, Yellow and Demon Black shade. The bike comes with a price tag of INR 1,20,000 for the non ABS variant whereas the ABS variant comes for INR 1,32,000. The prices are ex-showroom Delhi. It gets the same 199.5cc engine as KTM RC200, making it good for 24.2 BHP and 18.6 NM of torque.

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