Discussions and Questions - Suzuki GSX-S Suzuki GSX S
What is the difference between Suzuki GSX-R125 and Suzuki gsx S125?
The 'R' and 'S' share many of the same components, although due to different chassis set-ups offer completely different rides. The R is sleek, sporty and slung forwards. The S is its naked twin on steroids.
How fast can a Suzuki GSX S125 go?
How fast can a Suzuki GSX S125 gAs well as being punchy, the DOHC motor is also incredibly free revving. Accelerating through the gears, the bike will happily do a speedo-indicated 40mph in second gear, with revs to go and, flat out, the clocks will show an indicated Suzuki GSX-S125 top speed of 80mph.
Is the Suzuki GSX S125 good?
Yes, In the 125cc class the Suzuki GSX-S125 has the best power-to-weight ratio, sporty engine, the best torque to weight ratio and the best acceleration. So the rider can enjoy the most fun and excitement, every corner, every straight and every ride.
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